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GLFP Forum 11期生中間発表会を開催しました。/ The 11th GLFP Cohort's Mid-term Presentation was held.


2025年1月18日(土)、GLFP 11期生によるGLFP Forum中間発表会を開催しました。GLFP Forumは留学後の早大生が秋学期と春学期の1年間、米国協定大学からの留学生と一緒に履修するGLFPの必修カリキュラムです。昨年9月より来日中のUS学生8名と早大生7名の計15名が3つのグループに分かれ、それぞれが関心のあるテーマを選び、グループごとに研究を行ないました。

・Japan Going Green: Energy Structure and Policy
・Inbound Tourism as a Tool To Address Rural Depopulation and Labor Shortages

対面およびオンライン同時配信により発表を行い、約50名の方々にご参加いただきました。質疑応答の時間では会場およびオンラインでご参加の皆さまから多くのコメントや質問が寄せられ、難しい質問に対しても11期生は自分の経験や考えを軸にして説得力のある回答を展開するなど非常に活気に満ちた会となり、GLFP 11期生にとって今後の研究活動に良い刺激となる有意義な機会となりました。

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On Saturday, January 18, in 2025, the 11th GLFP cohort successfully gave mid-term presentations at GLFP Forum. GLFP Forum is a one-year mandatory curriculum in which post-study abroad Waseda students learn together with international students from the U.S. partner universities for a year in the fall and spring semesters. A total of 15 GLFP students, including 8 U.S. students who have joined since last September and 7 Waseda students, were divided into 3 groups, and each group conducted research according to themes of their interest.

In this mid-term presentation, each group had deepened their understanding on the below-mentioned themes respectively:
・Fortune, Fate, and Fulfillment: Japan’s Formula for Luck, Resilience, and Opportunity
・Japan Going Green: Energy Structure and Policy
・Inbound Tourism as a Tool To Address Rural Depopulation and Labor Shortages

They gave their presentations to approximately 50 participants in hybrid (both in-person and online) format. During the Q&A session, many comments and questions were received from the audience and online participants, and it was very lively, with the 11th cohort giving convincing answers to difficult questions based on their own experiences and ideas. It was a meaningful opportunity for the 11th cohort to inspire their future research activities.

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