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Program Highlightsプログラム内容


This is a program launched in the 2012 academic year in cooperation with prestigious universities in the United States. The objective of this program is the nurturing of true global leaders who, among other qualities, could respect and honor a diverse range of value systems. In addition to the one-year of study abroad that is a part of the program, a special curriculum is organized for the periods before and after that year, giving this program its most notable feature, its continuation over four whole undergraduate years. We foster students who will demonstrate prominent leadership in the global society in the future.

Partner Universities in the U.S

  • Columbia University
  • Dartmouth College
  • Georgetown University
  • University of Washington
  • University of Chicago
  • New York University

Global Leadership Fellows Program


  • アジアと西洋諸国の両方の歴史・文化・社会を熟知し、それらを互いに尊敬・配慮しながら、優れた判断と意思決定を行うことができる者
  • 知識・情報・科学的な分析等の知的能力の高さに加え、人間的コミュニケーション能力、そして勇気・信念・奉仕・貢献といった全世界に共通する高貴な価値観を持つ者

The program aims at nurturing global leaders who:

  • have a solid knowledge of and respect for the histories, cultures and societies of both Asian and Western countries and who have the ability to make sound judgements and decisions informed by that knowledge, and
  • possess personal communication skills and embody values respected around the world, such as courage, trust, and a commitment to service, in addition to high intellectual and analytical abilities.

Participating Schools of Waseda University
