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GLFPフォーラム10期生成果発表会を開催しました!/ The 10th Annual GLFP Students' Public Presentation was held.



発表資料:こちら  からご覧ください。


We are delighted to announce that the 10th Annual GLFP Students’ Public Presentation was successfully held on July 6 (Sat.). The Public Presentation is carried out as a study progress report for one of the curriculums, “GLFP Forum”. This year, seven of 10th GLFP students gave presentations on the following topic.

Title:From Classroom to Workplace: The Effects of Neoliberal Policies on Education at Waseda University
※Please click here  to view the presentation material.

Interviews and questionnaires were conducted with the president, faculty, staff, and students of Waseda University, and the results were analyzed and summarized to provide deeper insights based on GLFP students’ own experiences and thoughts. The presentation was held in a hybrid format, with both in-person and online participants. The Q&A session was lively, with many comments and questions being asked.

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