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GLFP 10期生 ボンディングイベントを実施しました。/ We're back from Bonding Event! (GLFP 10th Cohort)


9月21日(木)と25日(月)の2日間、GLFP協定校から渡日したばかりのUS学生、アメリカ留学から帰国した早大生、教職員でGLFP 10期生ボンディングイベントを実施しました。US学生と早大生にとって初めての顔合わせとなるこのイベントは、今後1年間学びを共にするためのチームビルディングが目的です。1日目は早稲田キャンパス内にて事務局によるオリエンテーション、早大生によるキャンパスツアー、ウェルカムランチ、GLFP Forum担当教員の田辺寿一郎先生によるキックオフレクチャーを行いました。

GLFP 10th Cohort Bonding Event took place for two days on September 21st (Thursday) and 25th (Monday) with the participation of incoming US students from GLFP partner universities who had just arrived in Japan, Waseda university students who had returned after studying in the US, faculty, and staff. This event was first meetup between US and Waseda students, aiming at team building among cohorts who will be studying together for the next one year.
The first day consisted of an orientation session by CIE, a campus tour by Waseda students, a welcome lunch, and a kick-off lecture by GLFP Forum faculty member, Prof. Juichiro Tanabe.

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On the second day, we left Okuma Auditorium, heading for Asakusa and Odaiba areas by sightseeing bus. In Asakusa, we walked around Sensoji temple, where the atmosphere of Tokyo's traditional downtown (Shitamachi-district) still well preserved. It was impressive to see US students who were immensely curious about how to worship and omikuji, a Japanese fortune-telling slip, thanks to the pre-researched information on Sensoji temple and Japanese religion prepared by Waseda students. The lunch we had at a historic tempura restaurant was formidable, which provided an opportunity for international students to learn about Washoku, traditional dietary cultures of the Japanese.

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午後は水上バスに乗って浅草からお台場方面へ移動し、晴れた天気の中、川面より現代東京の素敵な景色を見ることができました。その後はミニチュアの博物館であるSmall Worlds見学や、浜離宮恩賜公園で日本庭園散策やお抹茶体験など、日本文化を思いっきり満喫できた一日となりました。

In the afternoon, taking a Sumida River cruise by water bus from Asakusa to Odaiba area, we enjoyed the spectacular cityscape of the modern Tokyo from the water under clear skies.
In the Odaiba/Shiodome areas, we visited Small Worlds, a miniature museum, and then strolled through Hamarikyu Gardens, a traditional Japanese garden, where the students experienced a matcha (powdered green powdered tea). The entire day was a great fun to be exposed to quintessential Japanese culture.



Through the various activities over the two days, the 10th Cohort were able to foster a closer relationship, and made a good start to their year together as GLFP students.