GLFP7期生 3名が、無事卒業&プログラムを修了しました! / Three students of the GLFP 7th Cohort successfully graduated and completed the program!
2019年よりGLFPに参加した7期生のうち、9月卒業の3名が、先日早稲田大学を卒業、GLFPを修了しました。 修了証の授与および、キャンパス内にて記念撮影を行いました。米国学生の来日中止やオンライン留学など、コロナウイルスの影響も多く受けた7期生でしたが、一人ひとりの頑張りにより、立派にプログラムを終了することができました。GLFPで学んだことを活かして、他者に貢献できるグローバルリーダーとして活躍してくれることを期待しています。おめでとうございます!
Three students scheduled for September graduation among the GLFP 7th cohort who joined in 2019 recently graduated from Waseda University and completed GLFP. Their certificates were conferred and their photos were taken on campus. The 7th cohort was impacted in many ways by COVID-19, such as students becoming unable to come to Japan from the U.S., and studying abroad by taking online classes. However, each student worked hard and was able to successfully complete the program. We look forward to their further success as global leaders who can make a contribution to others by leveraging what they learned from GLFP. Congratulations!