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GLFP 8期生による日米共同ゼミ合同発表会を実施しました。/ U.S.-Japan Zemi Joint Presentation by GLFP 8th cohort was held.


2022年7月20日(水)、GLFP 8期生による日米共同ゼミ合同発表会を実施しました。日米共同ゼミは社会科学分野または人文科学分野のどちらかのゼミを選択・履修し、1年をかけての文献調査、リサーチ、ディスカッションを通じ、学問への理解を深めるプログラムです。




U.S.-Japan Zemi Joint Presentation by GLFP 8th cohort was held on Wednesday, July 20th, 2022. Under the U.S.-Japan Zemi Program, the fellows choose and enroll in a zemi either from Social Science or Humanities. Through bibliographic surveys, research, and discussion throughout a year, they deepen the understanding of the academic discipline.

The program is usually carried out in collaboration with students from the U.S.; however, due to the spread of COVID-19, it was conducted by eight students from Waseda this year.Supervisors of the zemis, Professor Kazuhiko Yokota of the School of Commerce, and Professor Richi Sakakibara of the School of International Liberal Studies also attended the presentation. The next GLFP cohort viewed it online live streaming.

Two students of Prof. Yokota’s zemi displayed their analysis on themes they chose from fields such as global business, world economy, and economic development. Six students of Prof. Sakakibara’s zemi presented various issues Japan has faced through studying literature works of post-war to the present. At the end of the presentations, both professors commented and asked related questions, making it a lively opportunity to exchange views and opinions.

We held this joint presentation for the first time, and it turned out to be a valuable opportunity to summarize and share their studies. By the same token, it was an excellent occasion for the students of each zemi to learn what the other zemi is studying and trying to achieve.

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