A Four-year Curriculum留学前(GLFP派遣準備コース)

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Before Study Abroad留学前

留学への準備として、語学力はもちろんのこと、ライティング力やプレゼンテーション力といったアカデミック・スキルを磨きます。 また国際社会が求めるリーダーに必要不可欠な基礎知識を習得し、米名門大学での授業を理解し、自らアウトプットができるようになることを目標とします。

Students are expected to improve their language skills as well as other academic skills such as essay writing in English and presentation techniques as part of their preparation for the study abroad. In addition, the basic knowledge essential for global leaders will be acquired. This academic preparation is offered in the hope of helping students excel in classes and demonstrate their abilities at top-rated universities in the United States.

GLFP派遣準備コースGLFP Preparatory Comparative Cultures Course


This is a special course offered by the CIE faculty in English, solely for the Fellows, to learn about the history, cultures, and societies of Asian and Western countries. In this class, students acquire the basic knowledge essential for future global leaders, mainly through group work and discussion. (mandatory)

2024年度春/2024 Spring Semester
Global Leadership Fellows Seminar 

留学準備講座GLFP Preparatory English Course


Academic skills such as essay writing in English and reading skills will be acquired through the “GLFP Preparatory English Course.” Furthermore, Fellows will gain a sense of the level of the classes they will assist in the US, by using assignments actually given at the partner universities. Students will acquire practical skills they will need in such classes, including how to find necessary data and read scholarly papers. A two-week intensive course (7-18)(Subject to fee/optional).

推奨科目Recommend Course


Taking related courses(Such as courses at CIE or GEC) is recommended.