
プログラム全体への質問Question on the Program As a Whole

English Proficiency

I have never taken a TOEFL test. How should I study for the test?

このプログラムに限らず、英語圏への留学を考える場合は、TOEFL iBT試験の受験が必要です。まずは、TOEFL iBT試験の受験に向けて準備をしてください。試験の内容や勉強方法について情報収集したうえで、学習計画をたててください。

This can be said about any program, but if you are considering studying abroad in an English speaking region, you are required to take the TOEFL® iBT test. So the first thing you must do is to prepare for taking the TOEFL® iBT test. We suggest that you make your study plan upon collecting information on the contents of the test and how to study for the test.
Next, we recommend taking the test once at an early stage of your plan. You will get a grasp of what your current score is, and then you will be able to work out a strategy to get a higher score.
At Waseda University, we have an official test center for the TOEFL® iBT test, and the classroom for the test is available for you to do studying on your own. Further, in order to improve your TOEFL test scores and also prepare for your study abroad, we have study abroad preparatory courses for the advancement of your English academic skills, so it is highly recommended to take these courses.

○参考リンク link for reference
TOEFL 試験について About the TOEFL® iBT test
留学準備講座 Study abroad preparatory courses

グローバル・リーダーシップ・フェローズ・プログラム(GLFP)について About the Global Leadership Fellows Program (GLFP)

About Graduation and Credit Calculation

I need to positively graduate in four years. Can I still participate in the GLFP?


The Global Leadership Fellows Program (GLFP) is a one-year study abroad program, planned for students to graduate in four years. Credits earned at the host university can be transferred to Waseda University.
However, in order for you to graduate, you must meet the requirements of the school of your affiliation. Thus, there is no guarantee that you will graduate in four years when you participate in the GLFP. On the other hand, it is possible for you to finish your GLFP even if it takes more than four years for you to graduate.

I am a student who enrolled at Waseda University in September. Can I still apply for the GLFP?


A. Just like any other program, you cannot apply for GLFP during the semester you enrolled in. Since GLFP does not recruit students for spring, please apply a year later, for the fall recruitment.

I am a student who enrolled at Waseda University in September. Is it possible for me to apply for GLFP a year later, and still graduate in four years?


There have been in the past, September entry students who participated in Edessa or SILS, and successfully graduated in four years. So it is possible for you to graduate in four years if you earn the credits that fulfill the criteria for the completion of GLFP. However, in some cases, your graduation may take longer than four years, so please be sure to apply for GLFP with this in mind.

About Tuition and Expenses During Study Abroad

What are the costs of participating in GLFP?


The Global Leadership Fellows Program (GLFP) is carried out based on Waseda University's student exchange agreement, so your tuition at the host university will be exempted when you pay the tuition designated by your school of affiliation to Waseda University.
However, you will be paying room fees, food expenses, and other expenses (fees related to courses you take and text book fees). Further, you will be charged for fees related to an overseas travel insurance in an inclusive contract with Waseda University and the insurance company, and also communication fees of your rental overseas cell phone, which you must subscribe to (there are no rental fees).

About Study Abroad Scholarship

What kind of scholarships are there?


At the Center for International Education, we have several outbound study abroad scholarships available, and we will be recruiting after students become candidates for GLFP. (Please take note that this does not guarantee you a scholarship.)
There are also scholarships offered by private organizations. Some scholarships will not be available if you apply for multiple scholarships, so be sure to check the conditions before you apply.

About the Internal Screening

What kinds of questions are asked at the Waseda University internal screening?

なお、派遣先大学が求めるTOEFL iBTスコアを下回っていても、出願は可能ですが、派遣先大学に願書を出願する1月~2月頃までに、取得することが必須条件になります。

We would like to know if you have the character and awareness of issues to become a global leader. We will also ask you about what you have been studying. It is recommended to have specific thoughts on how you would like to contribute to an international society where globalization continues to advance. Being able to state your awareness of issues in a logical way is also required.
Furthermore, you can apply for the program if your TOEFL iBT score is less than the score required by the host university, but obtaining it by around January or February is essential.

After Being Selected in the Internal Screening

If I pass the internal screening, will I be able to study at the U.S. university of my choice?


When we inform you of the results of our internal screening, we will tell you the name of your host university, but you may not be a candidate for the university of your first choice. It will be our decision based on taking into consideration all of the applicants comprehensively. Students who pass the internal screening will then go on to officially apply for a U.S. university. The Center for International Education will be supporting you as you go through your application procedures.

Balancing Waseda's Seminars and Studies With GLFP

I would like to participate in GLFP, but how can I balance Waseda's seminars and studies while I am overseas participating in GLFP?


When you are abroad participating in GLFP, the screening process of Waseda's seminar may be carried out at the same time. However, there are many seminars that support students who study abroad. In many cases, Waseda seminars can be flexible, such as conducting the screening by contacting you while you are abroad, and allowing you to enroll mid-term after your return to Japan, so please be sure to consult with your school office early.
Upon participating in GLFP, in addition to existing curriculum of schools, you will be taking special courses for GLFP students such as compulsory study abroad preparatory courses (2 credits during the spring semester) and after your return to Japan, a U.S.-Japan seminar (spring and fall semesters, 2 credits each), and more. Please carefully consider the length and amount of studies you will need, before you apply for GLFP.