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Message from Director

早稲田大学の教旨である「模範国民の造就」、創設者・大隈重信の創立30周年記念式典における「一国の為のみならず。進んで世界に貢献する抱負がなければならぬ。」。本学では、その意を連綿と受け継ぎ、創立150周年に向けた中長期計画"Waseda Vision 150"においても世界の何処にあっても、どのような困難に直面しようとも自らの意思で周囲と連帯して状況を切り拓くことのできる知識と道徳的人格と勇気、さらには頑健な身体としなやかな感性を持った地球市民を育成することを本学の教育と研究の体制整備の原点としています。


Compassion(他者を思いやり)、Cooperation(他者と協働し)Contribution (他者へ貢献すること)、GLFP は、この "3 C" の精神をもって、主体的に自らを高めたいと願う学生達が挑戦するに相応しいプログラムです。

Waseda University's mission statement which is “fostering of good citizens” and Waseda's founder Shigenobu Okuma's remark at the celebration commemorating the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the university was “one must have the ambition to willingly contribute to the world, rather than only to one's country.” At Waseda University, this mind has been passed on from generation to generation uninterrupted, and "Waseda Vision 150," the mid-to-long-term plan for the 150th anniversary, states that the system development standing point of the University's education and research is to nurture global citizens with knowledge, moral personality, courage, a healthy body, and a flexible sensibility that can break through whatever difficulty one faces, at their own will, cooperating with others, wherever they are in the world.

This program, based on full knowledge of Japan and the U.S., or more broadly speaking, full knowledge of history, culture, and society of both Asia and the West, nurtures individuals who demonstrate strong leadership in the international community. Growing to be such a person is by no means easy. To challenge hardships and difficulties autonomously, to steadily overcome each of them, and to continue to grow is absolutely necessary. The higher level in life one reaches, the more they are required to have kindness to others, to be able to think about the weak, and to contribute to society.

GLFP is a program suitable for students who wish to excel on their own initiative with spirit of the “Three C's” which are “Compassion (have compassion for others),” “Cooperation (cooperate with others),” and “Contribution (contribute to others).”

Message from Students

梅原 美晴/Miharu Umehara

国際教養学部/School of International Liberal Studies
1期生/1st Fellow
ワシントン大学/University of Washington

梅原 美晴/Miharu Umehara

  • GLFPでの学びが社会人生活でどのようにいきたか
    How my studies in GLFP have been useful in my life as a member of society.


One of the most useful skills I acquired from being a part of GLFP is English communication. At work, fast paced English reading and writing, oral presentations and active participation in meetings are often required.
Whenever I face these kinds of situations, I am confident because of the experiences I gained from GLFP. Sometimes I am assigned to projects where I work with team members from very diverse backgrounds, and I enjoy this because GLFP offered a similar environment. During my time in GLFP, I had to develop creative solutions to overcome many challenges. GLFP not only taught me academic knowledge, but it also gave me a positive mentality to tackle new problems and enabled me to see everything as a learning opportunity.

  • 振り返ってみてGLFPの経験をどのように感じるか
    How I feel when I look back at my experiences in GLFP.


GLFP was not just a study abroad program for me; it was a life-changing experience and one of the best opportunities of my life. As I look back on my involvement with this program, I can see that all the struggles and conflicts I faced were necessary for me to grow as a person. As members of GLFP, we bonded both inside and outside the program, building a strong community and lifelong friendships. It feels like I have a family that lives across the world and I am truly proud of each person's accomplishments after the program. The curriculum is well structured and provides support before, during, and after the study abroad experience. I hope more and more students will join this program and become a part of our family. The experience of being part of a group with so much character, talent, and diversity is something I will cherish for the rest of my life.

大橋 俊則/Ohashi Toshinori

国際教養学部/School of International Liberal Studies
3期生/3rd Fellow
カリフォルニア大学バークレー校/University of California, Berkeley

大橋 俊則/Ohashi Toshinori

  • GLFPで学んだこと
    What I learned through GLFP


When I look back at my university life, it is impossible to forget about the GLFP experience. I have met so many talented people through this program who have deeply inspired me. I think these encounters and experiences enabled me to become more open to diversity and be able to look at myself objectively. Additionally, GLFP gave me opportunities to think deeply about the definition of “global leadership”. Although this can have various meanings in different contexts, I think the skill to communicate with people from different backgrounds is the foundation of “global leadership". The 3 and a half years with GLFP have been challenging at times but I was able to nurture my attitude to try to understand others. I would like to utilize the skills that I have gained through GLFP to become a global leader in the future.

  • GLFPのコミュニティ/ GLFP community


GLFP is a place where inspirations gather at. Students who constitute GLFP are highly motivated to achieve their own goals. Although each member has different interests, GLFP provides the best environment where students can inspire each other. At the same time, because of those differences, members are able to expand their views of societies. I am grateful that I could develop friendships with such talented students through this program. GLFP is becoming a big community where current cohorts and former cohorts are inspiring each other. I would like to keep trying to achieve my goals so that I can be an inspiration to the others.

髙谷 佳央/Takaya Kao

国際教養学部/School of International Liberal Studies
4期生/4th Fellow
ワシントン大学/University of Washington

髙谷 佳央/Takaya Kao

  • GLFPで学んだこと
    What I learned through GLFP


The importance of making action and having the strong belief that “I can do it!” - this was the biggest lesson from the year at University of Washington. I was very fortunate to be surrounded by so many successful and inspiring people, which became a great motivation to challenge myself and gain valuable experiences; such as creating a company, working as a student writer, and volunteering at homeless shelters.
After having the fruitful year in Seattle, I now would like to use the learning to make positive impacts in the world. In the field of Business and Journalism, I want to contribute in creating the society where people fully respect each other and save this beautiful planet for future generations.

  • GLFPのコミュニティ/ GLFP community


It is very difficult to say what exactly a “global leader” is because each person has own definition; however, I believe there is one thing in common. It is that we all want to “do something good for the society”. GLFP is for those students in Waseda and the US universities who are highly-motivated to take initiatives in this action and trying to have deep understanding in both Eastern and Western cultures; and the best asset of the community is the “people”. If you are looking for an opportunity to cultivate your game-changer side, this is the place.

Kevin Yuan

GLFP 3rd Fellow (AY 2016-2017)
Georgetown University

Kevin Yuan

  • What I learned in GLFP

Beyond pure academics, GLFP taught me important skills that I believe are important for becoming a future global leader. Working with people from diverse backgrounds exposed me to a wide range of personalities and viewpoints, and having many opportunities for discussion helped me figure out how to better express myself when communicating with others. The encouraging and supportive environment of GLFP was conducive for exploring my own interests, and it inspired me to challenge myself in many different areas. These lessons and perspectives stayed with me even after the year was over, and I find myself looking back and feeling proud of my personal growth through the program.

  • GLFP Community

The community was by far one of the best aspects of GLFP. There are many opportunities to get to know everyone in your cohort, exchange ideas and opinions, and inspire each other, all in the pursuit of discovering what it means to be a “global leader” while striving to attain your individual goals. Being able to study and work alongside highly motivated individuals brought forth the best in me, and I am grateful to have made lifelong friends through the program. With multiple successful generations of GLFP fellows, there is no shortage of a support network.

  • Message to Prospective Fellows

My year studying abroad on GLFP was the most memorable, and perhaps, the most transformative year of my life. For me, study abroad opened up so many new doors and helped me discover and refine my own personal goals, and GLFP supported that process through its tight-knit community, available opportunities, and a high degree of freedom to explore your interests. Regardless of your background, I highly recommend GLFP as a program to enhance your study abroad experience, as it will provide unforgettable lessons and memories you will carry with you back home and into your future endeavors.

Mitchell Otis Estberg

GLFP 4th Fellow (AY2017-2018)
University of Washington

Mitchell Otis Estberg

  • What I learned in GLFP

I originally sought out study abroad for the opportunity to live in Japan and improve my language skills, but GLFP opened the door to so much more. During study abroad I had the chance to join clubs at Waseda, study alongside students from Japan and around the world, and push myself to try something new every day. GLFP let me learn from not only insightful classmates but also speakers from the UN and local nonprofits. I was able to see how people from around the world work in Tokyo during an internship at The American Chamber of Commerce in Japan. Our cohort had the opportunity to travel to Hiroshima and study global peace and to the Fuji Five Lakes region to contribute to conservation efforts. Ultimately, while I learned about myself in ways that I never had before, most of all during study abroad I gained a better picture of the world from the viewpoint of Tokyo.

  • GLFP Community

GLFP not only presented me with a wide array of opportunities but also introduced me to some of the greatest people I met during my time abroad. While, the memories I built through classes and experiences will stay with me forever, most of all what I got from GLFP, is an inspiring community of friends that I see working to better the world and brighten the lives of the people around them every day. One lesson I got from our experiences is the way leadership can take many shapes and forms. While a “global leader” can be someone who takes on the international stage, it can also be anyone working to address issues that affect some corner of the world. Fostering a great community with those around you–one that focuses on bringing about good–can have a ripple effect to make the world a better place.