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GLFP7期生の修了式を開催しました。/ Commencement of the GLFP 7th Cohort was conducted.



2022年3月24日(木)GLFP7期生の修了式を行いました。昨年9月に既に卒業した3名に加え、3月卒業の9名の7期生がGLFPのカリキュラムを修了しました。修了式では、修了証授与のあと、エルウッド留学センター所長、GLFP担当教員からお言葉をいただきました。修了生からの挨拶では、GLFPへの想いやこれからの抱負が述べられ、それぞれのメンバーが、いかにGLFPというプログラムに真剣に向き合ってきたかが伝わってきました。 興味の分野や卒業後の進路はバラバラでも、グローバルリーダーとしての想いは同じ。そんなGLFPらしさを感じる修了式でした。新たな旅立ち、応援しています!

On Thursday, March 24th of 2022, we held a commencement ceremony for the GLFP 7th cohort. In addition to three students who graduated in September 2021, nine students who would graduate in March have successfully completed the curriculum. Following the conferral of certificates at the ceremony, Prof. Kate Elwood, Dean of the Center for International Education, and faculty of GLFP forum and seminars delivered congratulatory remarks to the students. In the speeches made by the alumni, their gratitude to GLFP and their aspiration for the future were expressed. Through the speeches, we came to know that all of the fellows participated in this program with much effort and passion. They may have different fields of interest or paths after graduation; however, they share philosophy as global leaders. The ceremony was filled with such an atmosphere very unique to GLFP. Bon Voyage to the students! We are rooting for your continued success!

orientation orientation

orientation orientation