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Commencement of the GLFP 6th Cohort was conducted.


Commencement of the GLFP 6th Cohort

GLFP 6期生(早大生)12名がGLFPのカリキュラムを修了したことに伴い、2021年3月24日(水)にGLFP修了式を開催しました。修了式では、修了証授与に加え、エルウッド留学センター所長からの式辞、GLFPフォーラムやゼミの先生方からのメッセージをいただきました。昨年春に帰国したUS学生からのビデオレターも届き、嬉しいサプライズとなりました。修了生からの一言では、GLFPでの成長をサポートしてくださった先生方や、共に学び切磋琢磨し合ってきた仲間への感謝の言葉が述べられました。今後はそれぞれの分野で、グローバルリーダーとして活躍されることを楽しみにしています!
On Wednesday, March 24th, we held a commencement ceremony of the GLFP 6th cohort as 12 students had successfully completed the program. Along with the conferral of certificates, Prof. Kate Elwood, Dean of the Center for International Education, delivered a speech, and faculties of GLFP forum and seminars also gave congratulatory remarks. We also had a wonderful surprise video message from one of our students who went back to the U.S. last spring. The alumni made speeches and expressed their gratitude for the support they had received from faculties at GLFP, and showed appreciation to their inspiring mates who had learnt and worked hard together. We do look forward to their further success as global leaders in respective fields!

Commencement of the GLFP 6th Cohort Commencement of the GLFP 6th Cohort Commencement of the GLFP 6th Cohort

Commencement of the GLFP 6th Cohort Commencement of the GLFP 6th Cohort Commencement of the GLFP 6th Cohort