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「GLFP6期生 ボンディングキャンプに行ってきました!」 / We’re back from Bonding Camp!(GLFP 6th Cohort)


アメリカから留学のために来日したばかりのUS学生、そしてアメリカ留学から帰国した早大生、教職員を加えた合計25名で伊香保を訪れ、GLFP 6期生ボンディングキャンプを実施しました。初めての顔合わせとなるこのイベントは、今後1年間学びを共にするためのチームビルディングを目的として実施されました。三連休初日となる9月14日に大隈講堂を出発し、伊香保に一泊するショートトリップでしたが、以下のとおり大変充実した機会となりました。
A GLFP 6th Cohort Bonding Camp took place in Ikaho as a total of 25 members participated, including US students who had just arrived in Japan to study, Waseda students who had returned from studying in the US, faculty and staff. The event was the first time the members met with each other, with the aim of team-building for studying together for the coming year. We left Okuma Auditorium on September 14, the first day of a three-day holiday, and although it was a short trip staying in Ikaho for one night, it was a very fulfilling opportunity as you will read below.


1日目は、バスの中からGLFP Forum担当教員の松岡先生のファシリテートのもと、自己紹介や早大生による早稲田紹介などが行われました。自己紹介が一周するだけで、いかに多様なバックグラウンドを持った学生がこのプログラムに集っているかが分かります。やや渋滞気味の高速道路を抜け、上毛野はにわの里公園、日本の伝統家屋を再現した食事処などを訪れ、US学生にも「日本に来たな」という実感が湧いたことでしょう。食事の際にも早大生が近隣の名産品の説明などを行い、栗岡さんによるこんにゃくいもの分かりやすい説明には大きな拍手が上がりました。伊香保到着後は皆で街を散策し、夜は今後の授業に向けて各自でどういった研究を行いたいかということについて、熱を帯びたディスカッションが行われました。
On the first day in the bus, the students introduced themselves to each other, and Waseda students explained what Waseda University is like as Dr. Matsuoka, who is in charge of the GLFP Forum, acted as facilitator. Just one round of self-introduction showed how diverse the backgrounds of the students gathered for the program were. After passing through a somewhat congested highway, we visited places such as Kamitsukeno Haniwa no Sato Park and a restaurant that recreated a traditional Japanese house, which probably made the students from the US feel they had actually come to Japan.
During meal time, Waseda students gave explanations of local specialty products, and Kurioka-san’s description of konnyaku imo (devil’s tongue) was easy to understand, prompting a big round of applause. After arriving at Ikaho, we strolled around town, and at night, there was a heated discussion among students about what kind of research they wanted to do in the upcoming classes.

orientation orientation

On the second day, after visiting Haruna Jinja Shrine, we experienced making udon noodles for lunch. Everyone was praising each other how good their finished products were, but we heard later on that after they got home, they found the noodles to be stuck together into a large gnocchi-like state. As always, some of the students seemed tired and were nodding off in the return bus, but it was also a sign that they had a great time.


When we came back to the Okuma Auditorium, we realized it was a very short two day one night trip. Rather than just a sightseeing trip, it was a meaningful time to deepen mutual understanding, as each student had a proper role of learning about Ikaho in advance and explained to others about the local area, as well as having thorough discussions with the US students whom the other students had just met.

orientation orientation