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「GLFP4期生 GLFP Forum研究報告会が行われました!」


昨年度秋学期より一年間履修をしたGLFP Forumの成果報告会です。US学生と早大生が合同で4つのグループを作り、それぞれの研究テーマについて報告を行いました。55名の学生・教職員が訪れ、活発な質疑応答も行われました。

On July 4th starting 6:30 pm, in the multipurpose lecture room of Building #26, a research briefing session was held by the GLFP Fourth Cohort. It was a progress report session of the GLFP Forum which lasted for a year starting fall semester last year. Students from both the U.S. and Waseda University combined divided into four groups, and each group made presentations concerning their research themes. Total of 55 students and members of the faculty visited, and there were some active questioning and answering. Afterwards, there was a get-together at a nearby restaurant, and the students of the fourth to sixth cohorts, regardless of which group they were from, strengthened their bond.

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